I can hear you asking in front of your computer” What’s that???Arv Idyll I can’t even say it. Is is a new recipe from Celine’s Cuisine?
No I am not going to share a recipe today only some thoughts about my <strong>Ikea</strong>’s China…



When it comes to china, plates, bowls, glasses and any accessories for my Kitchen this is hard to resist from Ikea’s Stores. I try not going to much because every time I go, I pick things I am not even sure I need but I love Ikea and the Scandinavian Atmosphere. Once, I stepped into their stire I am like Alice in Wonderland, I do not know if  this is the smell of their Swedish meatballs or their Cramberries…..In my former life I am sure I lived in Sweeden, on a little island, surrounded by trees, wood , living in a small little white cottage. Everything inside is white too, the wooden floor, the table….Yes I love the Scandinavian Way of life ( the Good way because some people think that they drink and smoke too much) , a respect for the earth and nature, a simple, natural life, they ride bikes, they eat healthy,  they have cozy homes for harsh winters, I like their decoration the old and the new style. And of my favorite Blog is still Chez Larsson

Today I wanted to share with you my daily China: Cream and Dark Blue, prefect for my little cottage… Bowls, Plates and soup plates.. so lovely on my wooden kitchen table with candles, linen napkins, raffia caraffe….
My pictures may look not warm and even little austere but my table setting is always warm and even funny ( forks placed on the wrong side…something is alays  missing…). Our meals are always fun and active we play ” I spy” with the kids while eating, we play spelling names, we play with colors and shapes of food…
We do not use plastic plates or fork and not paper napkin… never even for pinic I bring sometimes heavy stuff but lately I noticed Bamboo picnic plates and forks..another post soon

What is your Daily China?



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