Lifestyle & Wellness


Setting up a routine ensures that you preserve a level of productivity for longer periods of time, and that you do not lose your time in anything non productive.

Following a system first thing in the morning and also in evening mean you’ll have more time to reflect in a quiet atmosphere and it gives you a better opportunity to be organized for the rest of the day to come and the following day.



A morning routine does not  mean you need to be up at 5:00 am in order to accomplish your routines. It only means you need to set aside some extra time every day.

Example of a morning routine:

The night before set your alarm clock for 5 : 30 – 6 :00 am

Meditation - visualization

In your bed, sit down and close your eyes and take some 10 minutes to meditate and reflect on your coming day, visualize the best day, best possibilities and if you have a busy professional or personal day visualized each one, sending good vibes.

Meditation has been proven to have numerous benefits, including:
*Less stress
*More creativity
*Better focus
*Increased memory

Stretching out or work out

Still in your bed, stretch every part of your body, twist your back, stretch your legs, arms, neck, take a few deep breath…or work on a more powerful exercise : abs, push ups on the floor. Fresh air Open your bedroom window and unfold your bed, and bed sheet.

Fresh air

Get some fresh air, go outside if you can or if you do not have access to outdoors open all windows.

 Lemon water

Have a glass of warm lemon water. ( the night before prep all ingredients on your kitchen table: filter water, organic lemon water if possible)
*Wake up faster

*Freshen your breath
*Get large amounts of vitamins C
*Reduce the feeling of hunger
*Aid your digestive system


Have a healthy breakfast , make a smoothie


Take a shower and listen to your favorite podcast or music ( no news) this is your relaxing time , start with hot water then finish with very cold water. Use natural and organic shower gel or soap. It will boost your blood fluctuation and energy!

Weight yourself

Weight yourself on a regular basis can help you establish clear health and fitness goals. Also, it’s important to know that your weight will fluctuate on a daily basis, Finally, be sure you weigh yourself at the same time for the most accurate results.

Make your bed

Make your bed and pick up all stuff that do not belong on the floor of your bedroom.


Pack your lunch ( leftover from last dinner), snack ( fruit) and coffee or tea

Tools to organize your day :

Bullet Journal ( paper/ pen):

I have been a big fan of bullet journal for the past 3 years. Mine is very minimalist and it keep me on track. I note everything on it from the diner menu, to doctor appointment and recipe to post on social media.

Digital calendar ( phone, computer....)

I use Google calendar on my computer and on my phone. I set alarms and reminder in order to stay on track.

Morning routines are endless, do you have your own routines? I would love to hear about them. Never had a routines before, I hope this may help you to start it.

Happy Living!



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