Une envie de Soupe

Last Saturday night I had a urgent need of soup. The same my mother makes and use to make. She is the master of this one, in fact I was never able to duplicate the same way, it never taste as good as at Home even if I use the same thing!
Anywhere soups are easy and delicious. You just need to clean the vegetables, peel them and cut, chop them. You saute them and add some water and you leave the soup on its own.Voila!
This is a sure way to eat you 5 vegetable serving daily, this is a comfort food, all the family loves it and it stores very well in refrigerator and is actually improved with time. You can even freeze it.

My mother Vegetables Soup

2 cups water
2 potatoes — medium size
5 carrots — diced
1 small onion — diced
1 celery stalks — diced
1 leek
2 garlic cloves
½ turnip
¾ Olive oil
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt — or to taste
1 tablespoon Chicken flavor Bouillon
21 spices from Trader Joe’s
1 teaspoon dry basil

1. Clean well your leek under running water head down. Keep the green and the white. Dice it.
2.Peel all other vegetables, and dice them.
3. Add olive oil in a heavy, large pan with lid. Add all the chopped vegetables. Saute on medium heat until vegetables are softened and onion browned lightly.
4.2 cups of water, the water must be just above the vegetables in the pan
5. Cover and simmer for about 45 minutes or until all the vegetables are done. Add the salt and pepper.
6. With your hand blender, blend the mixture

Crème fraiche, sour cream and heavy cream can be added in your plate. Serve with crispy buttered slices of toasted fresh bread

N.B Leaving near Mexico it is easier to find ” crema Mexicana” that ” Creme Fraiche”



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  1. confituremaison

    Moi non plus je n’arrive pas a reproduire la soupe de mon enfance 😉 De quelles epices Trader Joe’s parles-tu?
    C’est drole cette coincidence: il y a deux semaines, j’ai assiste a une soiree speciale Pain… qqn avait utilise cette creme mexicaine a la place du lait ribot (trouvee en catasptrohe chez l’epicier mexicain de coin…). Le gout que je n’ai pu determine se retrouvait dans la mie; je n’ai jamais goute “nature”; je vais voir…

  2. Corinne

    Merci pour le “tip” sur la Crema Mexicana…
    Du coup, me voila nostalgique…ah, une bonne soupe maison, un morceau de tomme, du bon pain et un petit verre de vin…
    Bonne continuation !